Sonntag, 19. November 2017

call for mini-tutorials: 7th Int. Workshop on Creativity in Requirements Engineering

CreaRE 2018: Seventh International Workshop on Creativity in Requirements Engineering at REFSQ’18

Date: 19 March 2018

Place: Utrecht, The Netherlands, at the REFSQ2018 conference

Goal of the workshop
Where do great requirements come from? From a magician's hat? From creative stakholders! Creativity techniques help stakeholders identify the delighter requirements and innovative features which make a new system a real positive surprise.
At CreaRE 2018, we will exchange ideas and experiences about how creativity techniques support requirements engineering. In several mini-tutorials, the participants will present and discuss hands-on experiences in applying different creativity techniques during requirements engineering.

Call for mini-tutorials
Instead of calling for papers, CreaRE 2018 calls for the submission of interactive mini-tutorials, each of half an hour duration, in which the participants can learn how to apply creativity techniques for practical requirements engineering. Your submission can be a short abstract, but it must answer the following questions:
- What technique will be applied?
- What is your didactic concept of the mini-tutorial?
- What will the participants learn?
- What are your qualification?
- What are your contact data?
In planning your presentation, take advantage of the fact that your audience consists of experts in creativity in RE who do not need to be told what RE is, what creativity is, and how and why creativity is important to RE. You may and should jump right in to describing a session of your technique, possibly even taking the attendees through the steps if the available time allows it.

Important dates
1st december mini tutorial proposal submission
15th december presenter notification

Publication plan
CreaRE 2018 this year is a paperless workshop. This means that you will not need to write an article for the workshop proceedings. Instead, we plan to publish the experiences from the workshop as a journal article.

CreaRE 2018 this year is a paperless workshop. That is, you will not need to write an article for the workshop proceedings. However, you *will* need to actively participate, even to be creative. We do plan to publish a description of the experiences from the workshop as a journal article. We will invite all mini-tutorial presenters of the workshop to be with-the-help-of co-authors.

History of the workshop
CreaRE has been taking place since 2010. You can find the site for last year's workshop here:
and the proceedings here:

Workshop Organisation

This workshop is organized by:
  • Daniel M. Berry, School of Computer Science, University of Waterloo, Canada
  • Maya Daneva, University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands
  • Eduard C. Groen, Fraunhofer IESE, Kaiserslautern, Germany
  • Andrea Herrmann, Herrmann & Ehrlich, Stuttgart, Germany

They are supported by the following programme committee:
  • Sebastian Adam Fraunhofer IESE, Germany
  • Fabiano Dalpiaz University of Utrecht, The Netherlands
  • Joerg Doerr Fraunhofer IESE, Germany
  • Anitha PC Siemens AG, Erlangen, Germany
  • Kurt Schneider Leibniz University Hannover, Germany
  • Norbert Seyff University of Zurich, Switzerland
  • Dirk van der Linden Lancaster University, U.K.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at AndreaHerrmann3-at-gmx-dot-de

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